Insomnia, stress, anxiety, personality disorder, sadness, depression, anger and there are many things that contribute to mental and physical ailments in the human body. Meditation has been around us for centuries yet only a limited number of people practice this ancient healing technique. Today, Joolaylife is going to share with you the proven benefits of the meditation-the gift of yoga and pranayama.
Stress buster
Everyday work pressure, family or relationship ups and downs greatly contribute to stress which later leads to depression. But if you practice meditation daily, it can help soothe your senses and bring your mind to a state of calmness.
Meditation connects you to your inner-self. The more you interact with your inner-self, the more you become aware of what's going inside your mind and body. What it does is make your conscious connection to yourself.
Memory booster
The human body is like a piece of machinery. With time and age, it tends to wear down too. But meditation helps you retain things which you may find harder to remember. A method known as Kirtan Kriya helps you rejuvenate your brain cells and boost your memory power.
Controls blood pressure
Many of us today don't even know that we face bad blood pressure. In the case of high blood pressure, there is a possibility of severe cardiac arrest! By practicing meditation in routine, you can cure the condition better without consuming heavy medication.
Fights insomnia
Can't sleep? Well, it's time to practice yoga, pranayama, and meditation. Some easy bed-time poses can help you fight everyday stress and can help you sleep like a baby.
Well, this was a sneak-peak to our little secrets of meditation for a healthy being Keep up with our latest health blogs with detailed descriptions on
Stay healthy, travel the world!
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